Lung Health Foundation


Welcome to the Lung Health Foundation Collaborative, where health professionals, researchers, and other experts come together to improve lung health for all Canadians. Powered by the Lung Health Foundation (LHF) and guided by LHF’s Strategic Plan, members of the LHF Collaborative inform strategy, programs, policy, and research to drive change.

Ways to Engage!

All LHF Collaborative members will receive the monthly newsletter which provides updates on LHF’s activities and opportunities.
Additionally, by joining the LHF Collaborative, you unlock several ways to participate more actively:

Access the LHF Collaborative’s interactive online community

The primary way that LHF Collaborative members are engaged is through an interactive online community (hosted on TimedRight). Access the LHF Collaborative’s online community!

All members of the LHF Collaborative will receive a welcome email after signing up, with instructions on how to access the online community. Members will also receive direct invitations to the online community to make it as easy to access as possible.

Members of the online community are able to:

Indicate your interest in the LHF Collaborative’s Expert Hubs.

To provide a more tailored experience in the LHF Collaborative—and to leverage the specific expertise of LHF Collaborative members—LHF is incrementally activating a collection of Expert Hubs.

How Do Expert Hubs Work?

Currently, once you’ve indicated your interest in being part of an Expert Hub, you’ll be included in notices and discussions with respect to topics, opportunities, and events that are specific to the focus of that Expert Hub.

As the LHF Collaborative and Expert Hubs grow, LHF will explore how to most effectively structure and facilitate Expert Hubs. For example, in some cases, dedicated groups may be established through the LHF Collaborative’s online community.

How Can I Be Added to an Expert Hub?

To participate in one (or more!) of the LHF Collaborative’s Expert Hubs, edit your member profile and indicate your interests!

Please note: To edit your member profile, sign in, navigate to “My Accounts”, go to “My Profile” and update your information on the “LHF Collaborative” tab.

Expert Hubs

Knowledge Mobilization Hub

You will support LHF’s health professional education, design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation. Participation may include membership in event planning committees or working groups to guide new programming and specific projects, as well as speaker and/or faculty roles.

Implementation Hub

Support LHF’s program design, implementation, knowledge mobilization, and evaluation. Participation may include membership in working groups focused on specific projects (e.g., best practices toolkit development and implementation) and/or strategies (e.g., approach to behaviour change).

Research Hub – Now activated with an online community!

Receive direct alerts for new funding opportunities and access resources such as educational workshops, mentorship opportunities, patient partnerships, and networking. Participation may also include the opportunity to inform program administration through memberships on working groups, review committees, or advisory groups. Learn more

Health Policy Hub

Provide expert input into LHF’s thought leadership efforts. Participation may include membership in working groups to inform LHF’s policy positions or advocacy strategies, in addition to supporting efforts to improve the engagement of healthcare professionals in lung health-focused public policy. 

Leadership Hub

Guide LHF’s efforts to grow the LHF Collaborative and its Expert Hubs. Participation may include membership in committees or working groups focused on key strategic and structural questions about how to effectively facilitate the LHF Collaborative and engage lung health champions across professions.

Speakers Hub

Speak on LHF’s behalf—in-person or virtually—to relay critical health information and key messages to a range of audiences. Participation may include representing LHF through media interviews, speaking to the public (e.g., at fundraising events) or experts (e.g., at conferences), as well as functioning as an LHF subject matter authority in meetings with funding partners.

Check out LHF’s upcoming workshops and conferences!

If you have more questions about the LHF Collaborative,
contact us directly or take a look at these FAQs!

The short answer? Everyone! We welcome all health professionals, researchers, and other experts who are committed to advancing lung health across Canada. Specifically, the LHF Collaborative membership includes (but is not limited to!):

  • Physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, respiratory therapists, respiratory educators and a range of other clinicians;
  • Public health workers and educators;
  • Researchers and academics (including students); and
  • Policy experts.

The LHF Collaborative is pan-Canadian, including members from coast to coast. The only requirement for being an LHF Collaborative member is having a passion for lung health and a willingness to engage, collaborate and connect, regardless of specific profession or discipline.

Notably, organizations (e.g., member-based healthcare associations) can be members too!

The “LHF Collaborative” refers to LHF’s overarching network of health professionals, researchers, and other experts who LHF engages, and is supported by,

The LHF Collaborative offers many ways to engage, one of which is the online community, hosted on TimedRight.

Given its interactive nature, the online community represents the most significant and robust opportunity for engagement in the LHF Collaborative, and ideally all LHF Collaborative members will access the online community as well. This will optimize the effectiveness and experience in the LHF Collaborative.

However, some LHF Collaborative members will likely choose not to access the online community, and we’ll be sure to continue to keep these individuals engaged, through our monthly newsletter and keeping this website up to date.

No. Because the online community is hosted on TimedRight, accessing the online community requires registering on TimedRight as well, and LHF is not permitted to do this on your behalf.

However, all members of the LHF Collaborative will receive a welcome email after signing up, with instructions on how to access the online community. Members will also receive direct invitations to the online community to make it as easy to access as possible.

Please be sure to join the LHF Collaborative here and then access the online community here!

It will not be automatic, but by accessing the online community, LHF will manually add you to the broader LHF Collaborative at the nearest opportunity.

These two networks are one in the same! The “Lung Health Network for Healthcare Professionals and Researchers” was the working title of the network, until LHF determined its longer-term plans for the network, including establishing a new name. The “Lung Health Network” title is now retired, with the “LHF Collaborative” now the official, active name.

The LHF Collaborative is guided by LHF’s strategic plan. LHF’s current plan for 2021-2026 is focused on the following five clinical areas:

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Lung cancer
  • Infectious respiratory disease (with an emphasis on vaccinations)
  • Smoking/vaping prevention and cessation (with an emphasis on youth and young people)

As such, these are the primary areas in which the LHF Collaborative will be engaged. Should LHF’s areas of focus shift in its next strategic plan, this would, in turn, shape the engagement of the LHF Collaborative accordingly.

The LHF Collaborative Expert Hubs reflect the range of activities that members can be engaged in. You can read more about the Expert Hubs above.

LHF Collaborative members will be kept up to date on new opportunities via the monthly newsletter, special missives, through our online community, and on this website. Also, please visit our workshops  and conferences  pages for upcoming events you can participate in!

If you are already a member, but want to update your profile (e.g., to be added to an Expert Hub), you can edit your member profile by signing in at Then, under “My Accounts”, go to “My Profile” and update your information on the “LHF Collaborative” tab.

All LHF Collaborative members are automatically added to the LHF Collaborative Newsletter mailing list, to be kept up-to-date on relevant LHF activities and opportunities for further engagement in the LHF Collaborative.

We encourage members to promote their own work by sending submissions to us via Note: submissions for the next issue of the newsletter must be received no later than the third Friday of the month.

For archived copies of our newsletter, please contact