Healthcare professionals have been having a difficult time tracking down COVID-19 resources. We’re here to help with a glossary of resources that will help to answer the questions you may have.
To everyone currently working to end the pandemic; we are here for you and we are incredibly thankful for all that you are doing. You are true heroes.

Safety of doing spirometry/spirometry guidelines and policies:
ATS position statement on the safety of performing spirometry testing during COVID-19
Alberta Health Services (AHS) has developed a directive on performing spirometry testing during this COVID-19 pandemic. It provides guidance on when spirometry testing should be done during the pandemic.
Canadian Pediatric Society statement on asthma management considerations during COVID-19:
The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) provides some guidance on what health care providers should be telling their patients and what patients should be doing with regards to managing their asthma during this pandemic.
GINA – FAQ on asthma and COVID 19:
The Global Initiative for Asthma – GINA (The International guidance organization for asthma management) provides some answers to frequently asked questions on asthma management during the COVID-19 pandemic for patients and providers.
GOLD statement on COPD and COVID 19:
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) provides a position statement on COPD considerations during COVID-19.
Drug shortage information:
This website provides the most up-to-date information on which medications are in shortage. This provides providers with information on when the medication is on shortage so that they can plan accordingly with their patients.

Telephone and virtual care fee codes for physicians:
This document provides a summary of the Ontario billing/fee codes for virtual or telephone consults.
How to provide virtual/telephone care:
Health Quality Ontario (HQO) provides guidance and best practice on carrying out virtual or telephone consults for patients when face-to-face appointments cannot be carried out during COVID-19.

How’s my flattening?
This Ontario-specific website developed by epidemiologists, physicians and computational health researchers provides emerging data on COVID-19 to help Ontarians flatten the curve.
Ontario College of Family physicians information and resources:
This website provides a variety of information related to COVID-19 for primary care providers from practice changes to guidance on infection control.
PPE use during pandemic:
This helpful document created by Ontario Health provides guidance on how and when to use personal protective Equipment (PPE).
Ministry of Health (MOH) Updated COVID-19 information:
This is the Ministry of Health (MOH) website that has the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 including case findings and numbers.
Guide for primary care providers:
This Ministry of Health (MOH) document provides a guide for primary care on how they should conduct their practices during COVID-19