Asthma Action Plans

Event Notice: May 27th 12-1PM

Asthma Action Plans: Keeping Asthma Under Control (Especially in the Virtual World)
By the end of this presentation, the participants will be able to:
• Describe the evidence supporting the use of asthma action plans to effectively manage asthma
• Discuss the barriers to use of asthma action plans in general and in the current environment
• Apply evidence and practical tips for stepping up therapy in the yellow zone
• Discuss potential solutions to using asthma action plans when providing care in virtual settings
This Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 2 MAINPRO+ credits.
Presented by: Dr. Samir Gupta 

News & Resources

COVID-19 Toolbox

Spring is here! Renewal Time!

We have extended our renewal deadline until June 1, 2020

Renew using the link below. If you do not wish to purchase Liability Insurance, simply do not fill out the information and move ahead to your renewal.

We would like to thank everyone who has taken advantage of early registration and has already renewed for the upcoming year! Your membership is important, more, now than ever.

Together we make a difference in Respiratory Care.

Coronavirus Motivates Smokers to Quit

“In 40 years of smoking, Katie Kennedy has tried four times to quit but always went back to cigarettes. Today, she is summoning a new mental image when a craving comes on: rows of COVID-19 patients hooked to ventilators.

Kennedy’s dad also smoked. He was on a ventilator before he died, and seeing how invasive the machine was, and watching his discomfort and distress, made Kennedy vow not to die like that….”

A NEW way to connect with your fellow members!

We are pleased to announce the launch of a member look-up directory within the member portal!

Active members of the Ontario Thoracic Society and the Ontario Respiratory Care Society will now be able to easily connect through our online portal. Search and find fellow members!

To use this function, login to your profile via and you will find “ Directory” as a new option within the black options bar.

If you would like to modify your own information in the directory, please go to My Account -> My Profile -> Societies Directory OTS and ORCS Profile.

You can also revise which information others can see by changing your settings under My Account -> My Directory Listing.

We are super excited to bring this networking option to you!

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