FAQ’s Lung Health Foundation Collaborative

Frequently Asked Questions


Powered by the Lung Health Foundation, our LHF Collaborative offers meaningful opportunity for healthcare professionals and researchers to work together and directly contribute to the design, delivery, and evaluation of strategies and policies to improve lung health in Canada. We are guided by the strategic plan of the Lung Health Foundation and are engaged throughout its work to ensure diverse perspectives and insight to contribute to impact and sustainable change. 

The short answer? Everyone! 

We welcome all healthcare professionals and researchers with a passion for lung health to engage, collaborate and connect, regardless of specific profession or discipline. Participation can be on an individual or organizational level (e.g. other member-based organizations)

The LHF Collaborative aims to be diverse and inclusive!

It is pan-Canadian from coast to coast to coast!

We welcome healthcare professionals and researchers from across and within all jurisdictions in Canada.

Examples of some of the professions working with the Lung Health Foundation Collaborative:


  • Family Physician
  • Hospitalist
  • Intensivist
  • Internist
  • ​Oncologist (medical, radiology)
  • Paediatrician
  • Psychiatrist
  • Public Health
  • Radiologist
  • Respirologist
  • Surgeon


  • Dietician
  • Nurse (RN, RPN, LPN)
  • ​Nurse practitioner
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Paramedic
  • Physiotherapist
  • Pharmacist
  • Psychologist
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Technician
  • Kinesiologist


  • Physician
  • Non-Physician
  • Student/Trainee

The scope of the LHF Collaborative is driven directly by the Lung Health Foundation and its strategic plan

Clinical Focus:

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Lung Cancer
  • Infectious Respiratory Disease (especially prevention i.e. vaccinations)
  • Smoking/Vaping Cessation/Prevention (especially for youth)

Functional areas where the LHF Collaborative will be engaged include:

  • Policy Change
  • Public Awareness and Education
  • Practice Change
  • Person-centered Programs and Support
  • Research

The LHF Collaborative will be kept up to date on new opportunities via the newsletter, special missives, and on our interactive online portal.

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